The Personal color line is made up of a range of 95 shades that allow an infinite combination of nuances according to each personality.
It is a coloration based on a cosmetic treatment that improves penetration and fixes the color, achieving brighter and longer-lasting shades, while achieving maximum coverage of white hair.
Personal colors do not dry out or damage hair thanks to the low ammonia proportion and its multi-protective and nourishing formula.
Its formulation includes argan oil, keratin and vitamin B5, ingredients that provide shine and strength. They also contain rosehip and baobab oils, which help hydrate and regenerate hair, protecting it from the damaging effects of the sun and other external aggressions.
Quantity 60 ml
Color 3 Castaño Oscuro , 5 Castaño Claro , 6 Rubio Oscuro , 7.1 Rubio Ceniza , 7.3 Rubio Dorado , 8 Rubio Claro , 6.0 Rubio Oscuro , 7.0 Rubio , 8.0 Rubio Claro , 8.3 Rubio Claro Dorado , 6.1 Rubio Oscuro Ceniza , 8.1 Rubio Claro Ceniza , 6.44 , 7.44 , 5.0 Castaño Claro , 7 Rubio , 10 Rubio Platino , 9 Rubio Extra Claro , 4.0 Castaño , 5.1 Castaño Claro Ceniza , 4.22 Castaño Violeta Intenso , 6.22 Rubio Oscuro Violeta Intenso , 1 Black , 4 Chestnut , 5.3 Golden Light Brown , 10.34 , 8.34 Light Golden Copper Blonde , 10.1 Intense Ash Platinum Blonde , 8.11 Intense Ash Light Blonde , 11.11 Ultra Platinum Blonde Intense Ash , 6.34 Dark Golden Copper Blonde , 7.34 Golden Copper Blonde , 7.43 Golden Copper Blonde , 6.12 Dark Blonde Ash Iridescent , 8.12 Light Blonde Ash Iridescent , 7.11 Deep Ash Blonde , 10.12 Platinum Blonde Ash Iridescent , 7.12 Iridescent Ash Blonde , 6.64 Dark Blonde Red Copper , 7.2 Iridescent Blonde , 8.33 Deep Golden Light Blonde , 9.1 Extra Light Ash Blonde , 9.3 Extra Light Golden Blonde , 901S Extra Super Lightening Ash , 7.44 Deep Copper Blonde , 5.90 Light Brown Chocolate , 4.90 Chocolate Brown , 1.1 Ash Black , 911S Extra Super Deep Ash Lightener , 7.22 Deep Iridescent Blonde , 6.2 Dark Iridescent Blonde , 4.2 Iridescent Brown , 0.22 Deep Iridescent Neutral , 0.12 Neutral Ash Iridescent , 0 Neutral , 900S Extra Super Lightening , 1003 Super Golden Lightener , 1001 Super Lightening Ash , 1000 Super Lightening , 12.2 Special Iridescent Blonde , 12.1 Special Ash Blonde , 11.02 Iridescent Nordic Blonde , 11.10 Intense Ash Nordic Blonde , 11.03 Nordic Golden Blonde , 11.01 Nordic Ash Blonde , 11.00 Nordic Blonde , 5.93 Light Brown Tobacco , 4.93 Brown Tobacco , 6.91 Dark Cool Brown Blonde , 5.91 Light Brown Cold Brown , 4.91 Cold Brown Chestnut , 8.90 Light Chocolate Blonde , 7.90 Chocolate Blonde , 6.90 Dark Chocolate Blonde , 5.9 Light Brown Chocolate , 9.34 Extra Light Golden Copper Blonde , 5.34 Light Brown Golden Copper , 7.30 Intense Golden Blonde , 6.30 Intense Golden Dark Blonde , 5.30 Intense Golden Light Brown , 8.30 Light Intense Golden Blonde , 8.10 Intense Ash Blonde , 7.10 Intense Ash Blonde , 8.62 Light Iridescent Red Blonde , 6.62 Dark Iridescent Red Blonde , 7.64 Copper Red Blonde , 7.66 Deep Red Blonde , 5.66 Light Brown Deep Red , 6.54 Dark Mahogany Copper Blonde , 6.05 Dark Mahogany Blonde , 6.55 Deep Mahogany Dark Blonde , 3.55 Deep Mahogany Dark Brown , 9.44 Extra Light Deep Copper Blonde , 8.44 Light Deep Copper Blonde , 10.34 Platinum Blonde Golden Copper , 6.44 Dark Deep Copper Blonde
Shades of color Red , Yellow , Black , Brown , White